Come Shop In Person


We are located in the back of the Refinery building off of Flint St.

Drive to 936 Exchange St and find where Exchange St intersects with Flint St. (on the west side of the Refinery - also known as the old FoodLink building). Once at the intersection turn left down Flint St (south towards the river & behind the Refinery building). If you end up on Plymouth that means you are going north in the opposite direction.

After driving south down Flint St behind the building you will see a gate on your left hand side accompanied by a sign for Level Up Painting. Enter through that gate and keep driving straight.

Our business is on the FAR left hand side once you enter through the gate. We are located where the very large red garage doors are. Please be aware that the doors are open a lot of the time so you may see our black and glass door instead of the red doors.

If you are facing the wall with the mural of a butterfly and a quote about the cosmos please look behind you. We are located in the section of building NEXT to the building with the mural. Our building is the one made of red painted brick.

We are located on the right hand side of Level Up Painting and the right hand side of their trucks and Enterprise's trucks.

If you are still having difficulties finding us please call us at (585) 201-8681.

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